How I Got 1.3M Visits in 12 Months 🔥 — Part 2

Hasan Aboul Hasan
Real Marketing
Published in
5 min readOct 25, 2022


This post is a follow-up from last week, where I shared my first 3 growth hacks that helped me double my traffic from 700K Page Views to 1.3M in less than a year.

Let me share my other 3 tactics with you, and if you have missed my first post, you can check it out here.

Let's Start 🚀

1. YouTube 🎥

YouTube has more than 2.6 billion monthly active users and 1B+ videos are watched everyday.

Starting a YouTube Channel must be part of your content marketing and growth plan. When I started YouTube 3–4 years ago, I struggled to get views and subscribers like any new channel.

But one of my videos started getting views daily, and I didn't know how!

After doing some analysis and research, I found it was YouTube SEO. My video ranked on Top of YouTube for several search queries like "iis" and still ranks today!

YouTube Search Rank

So, the first key to my success on YouTube was video SEO, which helped bring a lot of traffic to my website.

Other than SEO, if you want a simple formula to be successful on YouTube, here it is:

Thumbnail + Title + High Retention = YouTube Success

I will publish a complete guide soon on how to be successful on YouTube, how I reached 800K+ subscribers, how to do A/B split tests, how to craft the best titles and more. Stay Tuned :)

2. Notification Channels 🔔

Whenever I publish a new post, product, video, or any new piece of content, I spread it everywhere with my notification channels.

Here is a list of channels I use:

1- Web Push Notifications: make sure to collect and build push notification subscribers on your website; you can do this with Onesignal or any other service.

Onesignal dashboard

Today, I have more than 20K+ subscribers; whenever I publish something, I notify them about it.

2- Telegram: I also created a Telegram channel where people can join and get my latest updates. Today I have more than 34K subscribers. You can check my channel here.

Pro tip: link a Telegram group with your channel, and provide free support to your audience, this will encourage them to subscribe to your channel.

3- Email: my newsletter is one the best notification channels I have, with more than 30+ subscribers, joining my list daily; I try my best to consistently send high-value and special tips to keep my list active and engaged.

Don't just send updates to your new content; let your subscribers feel they are unique; send them special content, coupons, and free resources. You can always promote anything you want within your emails.

I use ConvertKit as my main email marketing service.

4- Social Media Posts and Stories: and of course, my social profiles, I spread my content all over my social media in the form of posts and stories (Instagram and YouTube) and sometimes short videos (planning to scale Short form videos in 2023)

3- Google Search Traffic 🔍

This is the best source of traffic… Free Organic Google Search Traffic.

google search analytics performance
My Google Search Console Dashboard

Talking about SEO is out of the scope of this post; we can cover it later in a dedicated post. But let me share with you 3 power tips that will change the SEO game!

  1. Competitor Keywords By Traffic
  2. Frase Content Analysis
  3. Backlinkers

1- Competitor Keywords By Traffic: Create a list of your competitors, and use tools like Ubbersuggest, Spyfu, or any similar tool to find low competitive keywords that your competitors are ranking for, and you can break them easily.

For example, this is a report from one of my competitors, and you can see some keyword opportunities.

ubbersuggest screenshot (traffic by keywords tool)

I have good news! I am developing Similar Free Tool for you! stay tuned. it will be live soon.

2- Frase Content Analysis: has a content analysis tool where it gives you a detailed report based on your google search console data; this report helps you find easy-to-win keywords; here is an example:

3- Backlinkers: the traditional way of getting backlinks is after you create your content, you start searching for others to link to your website. I believe it is not the correct way!

If you want to build backlinks the right way, start by creating a list of potential websites that might link to you, then see the best piece of content you can make for those websites.

So find backlinkers first! It will be easier to reach out and give them exactly what they need.

I hope this helps!

Now it is time to see my full plan to reach 5M Views by December 2023.

Get All Updates:

Today's Quote:

Dreams Don’t Work Unless YOU DO!

Talk soon :)

Disclosure: Some external links in the post are affiliate links.



Hasan Aboul Hasan
Real Marketing

Simplifying AI & Python Learning • Publish ONLY Exclusive Research-Based Tips & Tutorials • Founder @LearnWithHasan & @SimplerLLM